
Monday, February 16, 2009

Nikki will now make me something.

SOoOoo - I apparently get REALLY excited for weird things, because I'm really excited about a post I just read on a friend's blog (...not that your blog is weird, Nikki...).

I was one of the first 5 people to comment on a new post she made this morning, so she as promised to provide me with some sort of self-made-creation!

WOoOoo I love presents!

The catch is this: I must now volunteer to make 5 of you (Ooh Lucky First Respondents) special creations of my own imagination! These lovely items may be baked goods (mmm delicious - haha shout out to Kristina for my profound abuse of that word), perhaps a delightful scarf (high-five to me for preparing early to be a bomb granny), a song or story written especially for you...the sky is the limit!

If you want one of my special goodies, however, you must do the following:
1. Be one of the first five people to respond to this post
2. Re-post this on YOUR page for five of your friends!

It's like a chain letter, only without the threats -AND- not annoying because you GET a present (and get to MAKE presents to give to others) in the end.

And let's face it, presents cancel out annoyance 99.9% of the time. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! Since that comment was deleted does that mean I'm number one???? Erin's number 1 can't be number 2! WHOO HOO!!! :)

  3. yayy! i already have your be excited. ummm...if i comment here, does that mean you make me something too?? i say YES!

  4. Haha - YES and YES Erin and Nikki.

    What the heck is with the person who deleted their comment?! Who does that?!
