
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Help me.

Sooo...there are links to other people's pages on the side of this blog...Kristina put them all there.

I DON'T KNOW HOW TO ADD MORE LINKS!! I'm constantly using Arica's blog (which I stalk frequently) to stalk other people, and I've just had enough.

I'm ready to figure it out. Well, actually, I'm ready for you to tell me how I do it. Haha.

So...please? Ready? Set? Go.

thank yoooooooooouuuuuuuu xoxo :)


  1. Ok... So go to your blogger dashboard, then click on Layout. next click on add a gaget. Add a Blog list. Add friends blogs (like mine!) and you are good to stalk :)

  2. Since Kristina already has a list, you can skip the add a gadget part. Just click on Blog list (or whatever Kristina titled it) on the layout page and then click add and paste in the urls of your friends' blogs.

  3. orrrrr... in lou of what cheski said (am i allowed to call you that still??) ..while logged in, and viewing your own page, under kristina's list there should be a little edit button, click it.. and voila, click add (like cheski said) and paste the url.


  4. Nothing much to add, exceot Kris titled it "friends and family". So find that on your dashboard, and add away! :)
