
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random Things I Love

1. Sandwiches. I think they're probably my favorite thing to eat. ATC with peppercinis, tomato, mustard, onion...or tuna melts...meatball on occasion... Haha...I guess it's a little telling that they're the first thing on my list...I may or may not be a tiny bit hungry at the moment...

2. Voicemail from Taylen & Ryah. <--...Ok, not JUST the voicemail - I mean, they're pretty adorable in person, too. Since they live FOREVER away, though, the messages they leave are particularly sweet! So cute. I love my family.

2. (tied for #2) Sisters. I'm glad that we can talk to each other. Sometimes one sister more than the others...just depending on the situation. Thanks for listening and giving your advice. And for loving me. (p.s. don't be mad that you came AFTER sandwiches on this list, please. they're just so tasty...and I'm so hungry at the moment...)

3. Water. Water is awesome. Especially free water. Thank you, Certe, for paying Sparkletts to come and leave jugs of water in the office so I can feed the plants, make myself hot chocolate, and have something refreshing to drink with my sandwiches :)

4. Tucker. His little mustached face smothering me in the morning when he wants me to get up & take him on a walk is precious (albeit annoying at first). I love that he's such a cuddle bug, always wants to be with people (he's so friendly!), loves to play, etc... His peppy little attitude reminds me that each day is a great day to be alive & I'm thankful for him being a constant remind of that.

5. Narcotics. Pain/Crazy/Whiny/Sleepy/Crabby/Hilarious. That's all.

6. Potential. Heavenly Father has blessed me with a different path than I ever imagined I'd be on at this point in my life. I've spent a decent amount of time being scared of it, being angry at it, being sad because of it. But lately I've felt this pull...curiosity, I guess you could call it. Like on Pocahontas where she sings that song 'Just Around The River Bend' - ya know? 'I feel it there beyond those trees, or right behind this waterfall...can I ignore the sound of distant drumming?' Something good is coming. Maybe it's just summer :) You can't help but feel happy in San Diego during summer.

7. Education. I am getting a killer deal on school right now...and I am so incredibly thankful for the opportunity to finish my degree without accruing a gigantic pile of debt. Thank you, Dad.

8. Leftovers. Cold spaghetti. Cold pizza. Cold french fries. Cold burritos. Once again with the hunger thing.

9. Things that grow. Plants. Baby snails. Tucker - who likes to eat snails. :gross:

10. Philadelphia rolls.

11. Worship music. Any & all kinds.

12. Brains. A surprising number of people in this world suffer from a lack of brains. I love brains, though, and wish more people felt the same.

13. Friends. If you're reading this, and you're in the area and you want to hang out just call or text me. We'll get some food. Like a sandwich...or a Philadelphia roll. It'll be awesome!

Love Love Love to all of you! Make it a great one :)


  1. This was such a fun post! I hope you got your sandwich. :) I feel the same way: who can't be happy in San Diego when summer is on it's way??? :)

  2. calee friend. you just gave me about 7 cravings for this one post. buy me a sandwich.
