
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a baller.

Look at this:

Haha. So weird! He's a gangster. (P.s. go on there and vote for him as the best defensive play in the Mountain West!)

I wish I could take a voicemail off of my cellphone and put it on my blog for all of you to hear. I got a call from a number I didn't have in my phone, so I thought it was for work and didn't answer.

I listened to the voicemail and heard this:

-silence- -rustling- -silence-

7 seconds go by and I'm about to hit the delete button when I hear, in a crackly voice:



"Kristinee!!! KRISTINEE!"

It was my grandma. She was trying to tell me they were in town and going over to the creamery and wanted me to join them.

The voicemail is just too perfect. I'm going to save it for always and listen to it when I get sad.

I wish I had taken a picture at the Creamery with them last night. It was a good night. And Gramps gave Jan a very hard time about his love life and it was awesome.

Love you G&G!

1 comment:

  1. i voted - jan should not be 11% behind jerry hughes.
