
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Toast with Jam.MM MMM. Mom's cookin'? YUM.

hahaha the title of this post is something Kristina said in a family video...and I'm pretty sure I peed my pants a little just thinking about it. May all of you at some point have children as funny and awesome as she was growing up.

This post is about friendship and a delicious dessert place I recently discovered in Balboa called "Extraordinary Desserts"

Extraordinary Desserts: I read r-a-v-e reviews about it a few months ago online. I planned a date night for myself and my then-boyfriend, but plans fell through and we never got around to going. When Monday rolled around this week and I found myself struggling to keep my emotional baggage from overrunning my life, I recruited a willing manfriend to accompany me down to Balboa to check it out! HOOOLY CRUD, people. It.Is.Amazing. It's small, cozy, and chalk-full of ridiculously decadent and deliciously sweet concoctions.

(photo from flikr)

Anyone who knows me knows that I get a little spend-happy when I'm feeling stressed/sad, so I ended up dropping ~$30 on random desserts - haha! TOTALLY WORTH IT. We tried this German chocolate layer cake with carmel -crunchy-goodness on the outside and strawberries, a warm cream cheese brownie (complete with cute daisy topper and edible gold flaking), and this gigantic strawberry shortcake/torte with fresh berries (pictured above!)...oooohhh deliciousness...You have to go there. Believe me. It was amazing.

(I do NOT recommend ordering three desserts, however...he's 6'8 and was starving, and I LOVE dessert and we still couldn't knock back three between, not even close...).

Fast forward to this morning. I was sitting at my desk, contemplating last night (which was a disastrous, intense night of tears and struggle - woo for exes!). Yuck. As I was drowning in fatalistic thoughts on how futile love and relationships is/ manfriend (mentioned above) walked in. It was a nice to see his friendly smile - along with those cute dimples! - but what made it sweetest of all was what he was carrying! "I was just thinking of you & passing right by your office, so..." he said as he opened up the little white box with an "Extraordinary Desserts" label.

Cream cheese brownie! Complete with cute little daisy topper, dark chocolate ganache and edible gold flakes! Talk about a ray of sunshine in the middle of my dark moment.

So thanks to you, manfriend, for making my day considerably less sucky :)

And thank you, Extraordinary Desserts, for providing my thighs with an extra layer of brownie-induced-love and my tummy with happiness :)


  1. SOLD. I'm totally going there!

  2. I LOVE that place too. It doesn't matter what you get. It looks and taste amazing! Boo for exes, yay for man friends who are kind and thoughtful:) Hang in there girl. Men are a dime dozen but a love that lasts is priceless. Too bad we have to go through endless inventory first:(
