
Monday, June 22, 2009

Wedding Weirdness

Ever since I moved to Provo and all of my friends started getting married, I've had this unhealthy obsession with engagement pictures/wedding pictures/videos/etc.

My roommates and I shared this weird quality until they all got engaged and it wasn't weird anymore and totally legitimate. (Clarification: still totally weird for me, as I am completely un-engaged.)

It got to the point where I was on total strangers' facebook pages looking at their engagement and wedding photos. So weird. I've also been known to shed a tear or two watching wedding videos of people I've never met. Ha ha.

So think of what a flipping cry-baby I am now that I not only know the people, but absolutely ADORE the people getting married? Good heavens.

You have to watch these videos. They are of Ash's fabulous day. Pictures don't do it justice.

(If I could figure out how to embed them on here, I would. Links will have to do.)



I hope those work. They are awesome.

Here is the master behind it all - David Perry. I found his blog and I can feel hours of wasted time in my near future...


  1. Um.. I'll have to admit it.. I'm in the same boat and could look at wedding photos and videos all day too. haha.

  2. I too have the very same obsession...always have...always will. ha! you are not alone. you have to check out if you haven't already seen the beautiful weddings this woman does! are welcome :)

  3. Kristina, this is Francine from San Marcos. I came across your blog from Cheski's site and can I just say your friend had a gorgeous wedding!!! Seriously, this should go up as an inspiration wedding, loved the centerpieces, lounge furniture, candy bar, rose petals on limo, etc.

    And yah, needless to say, wedding obsession doesn't go away once your married. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh yes, how can I forget those endless nights of facebook wedding stalking as we criticized everything from the engagement photo outfits (sometimes hideously matching), to the reception location (sometimes in a sparsely decorated cultural hall) it

  6. Kristina! I found your blog! If you like pictures of engaged people on facebook, you should check out the group "Awkward Engagement Photos". It's soooooo funny.

    When I was engaged, I watched an episode of Ace of Cakes on TLC. Danny was with me, actually. It was really embarrassing because the guy on the show proposed to his girlfriend with the cake somehow, and I started bawling. Danny, on the other hand, could not stop laughing.
