
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ode to Tucker

Dear Blogging world,

I love Tucker.


He is such a sweet little puppy who makes friends with everyone, always wants to cuddle, loves to play, eats the weirdest stuff, sleeps in the silliest positions, and makes everyone laugh.

I'm pretty sure he has a sixth sense which enables him to detect heartache and stress, and his spunky personality is an excellent salve for whatever is ailing your heart.

It makes me so happy to see him all cuddled up with Dad at night (I'm pretty sure he aced my mom out of her spot at least twice this week) - or when he gets all excited that Kristina is home - or when he tears through the house when Dad yells 'BRUTUS!'. So adorable.

So here are some pictures of Tucker

(sorry for the poopy quality - most of these are from my phone)

just living life.

Enjoy :)

1. Tucker can always be found helping out where something needs fixed.

2. Tucker is always wanting to put his cute puppy nose on your face and breathe you in.

3. Tucker got his name because of this.

4. Note to self: Leaving laundry on the floor is not a good idea when Tucker is around.

5. I love the way he sprawls out! Cute little Tucker rug ornament.

6. Car cuddling

7. Tay Bug cuddling

8. Fourf of Julyyy

9. Tucker sleeps in adorable positions

10. Fishing for Tuck (p.s. Dad + Tucker = BFFs)
11. Always making friends.
If you ever want to play, Tucker is down. Come with me to the dog park and let me show you how much you want a miniature schnauzer in your life.
Love, Calee


  1. Aw. <3 Tucker. He and I shared a burrito from Mr. Taco today and it was delicious. He definitely approved.

  2. aww he is absolutely adorable! Dogs are seriously the greatest :)

  3. i'm so glad you have such a perfect pup! it's even that much better when the whole fam loves them just as you do. (:
