
Friday, August 21, 2009

Tender Mercies

Today had potential to be really terrible. I've been dreading this day for a few weeks now, actually. And this morning I was pretty convinced I was going to have a bad day. Great attitude, right? Haha. :)

Anyway - I'm pretty sure that the Lord was just as convinced this morning that I was going to have a good day, and he did everything to make sure that happened. I am so grateful for the many reminders I had today of his love - even little tiny things. But you know what? The little tiny things are what matter most of the time. And the little tiny things meant a lot to me today.

I'm thankful for Calee's dog, Tucker (see previous posts for adorable photos).

When I woke up this morning and saw his cute little face peeking up over the side of my bed, it made me smile. He was making his weird little snorty noises that he makes when he gets overly-excited, and it was so cute. He's also quite the snuggle-bug, actually. He has been such a good friend to me since I've been here. He follows me around and gets so excited when I come home. It's nice! I love it, and I love him. And he is definitely a tender mercy.

I'm also thankful for the Brigantine. It is my most favorite restaurant down here. I had a delicious spinach salad and grilled swordfish taco today, with some creme brulee to top it off. If any of you know me, you know how much I flippin love food. It was just another reason I could not be in a cranky mood today.

(The only thing better than lunch at the Brig? Lunch at the Brig with Calee, her underage boyfriend, and my mother - who may or may not have sung the word "pedafile!" under her breath when said boyfriend told us his age. hahaha! So awesome.)

Next on my list of awesome things that happened to me today? The Padres. My dad got free tickets from work, and so we got to drive down tonight to good old Petco Park, which I adore. We wore our matching Padres jackets and walked through the park and felt the awesome air and saw the incredible view

It was awesome! We played the Cardinals, who have owned us recently. (Let's be honest, everyon has owned us recently. Haha) But we WON! Not only did we win, we shut them out! Muah ha ha! It was awesome!

And then there were Friday night Friarworks! Wooooooooooo!!!

The only thing that could have possibly topped of tonight - Jack in the Box.

My dad had to use the GPS to find the closest one. Because he loves me. :) I got a sourdough grilled chicken club and a Dr. Pepper and was in total heaven. Heaven!

Seriously - best day ever when it should've been a terrible day. Thanks, Heavenly Father. I needed it.


P.S. Sorry I don't have any pictures. They are all on my phone and I'm too lazy to get them on here. My blogging app got deleted accidentally.

P.P.S. I'm going to start blogging in Orange to solve the "who is blogging?" problem. That way you can see at the end of the post who's writing, but also know right away for those of you who like to hear voices in your head like crazy Nikki. ha ha.

P.P.P.S. Happy Birthday, Jan.


  1. Hi Kristina. Love to read your blogs but darn it!!! I can't see the orange writing. However, I just found out that if I highlight the whole thing, then I can read it. Where there's a will, there's a way.

    Hope everything turns out the way you want it to in Escondido. You'll make a super piano teacher and we know you're a good student. What are you studying down there?

    Love ya bunches.
    Grandma S.
