
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

As promised...

Kind of.
You can't really see Tucker's adorable haircut from this pic, but it's a cute pic nonetheless. Dad and Tucker are BFF's. (Not sure if you could tell from the picture.) Tuck will just let you pick him up like a baby and cuddle him. He loves it.
Yesterday one of my mom's voice students took him home for a few hours and Kristina and I decided that we miss him WAY TOO MUCH when he's gone.

This is Mom feeling good about her choice to only eat one hot dog. Of course...she snuck TWO hot dogs into one bun...notice her mischievous face...
Here's another picture of a dress for Nik. I don't know how I feel about the bolero jacket, though...thoughts?

Love love love.


  1. Awesome! - my thought to your post. I miss your family - your mom was the best YW Prez. You all crack me up, and I don't know about that jacket, but I'm sure Nikki will look beautiful in anything.

  2. i loved the first lace dress recommendation. and tucker is awesome. if i could do it over again i would wear a fitted lace dress. in a HEARTBEAT, dang it. haha. the dress that i'm most envious of is the one that was worn by the second girl on the link below.

    and yes, nikki will look gorgeous no matter what. even if she wore a romper.

  3. your dad should wear him as a taupee for halloween:)

  4. love this sophisticated looking..but you four "pretend " cousins of mine are so drop dead gorgeous that any one of you could be naked , hair and makeup gone, and still be absolutely stunning in a wedding dress... ooh tell nikki that i thought of her naked theme wedding...yes i will plan it for her.. what are pretend cousins for...ha ha
