
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dr. Laura is mean

She's also right a lot of the time. I was listening to her today and a lady called and said "How long do I stay in a loving relationship if he doesn't want to get married?"

Dr. Laura: Um. About 13 seconds. 

Lady: But it's a really happy, loving relationship. 

Dr. Laura: Okay, about 14 seconds. 

Haha. Really? That only adds on one more second? Dang.

.... what about an extra year? No? Wrong? 

Oh okay. Good to know.



  1. how funny! I totally heard that conversation today! she is so fun to listen to. she's very brutal! haha poor lady...but dr laura has got a point. why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?? :) luv ya!

  2. I thought she was off the air; I've been trying to find her! I used to listen to her on AM640 but she doesn't air on there any more. Where is she now?

  3. PS so true! My hubby also thinks she's way mean, but brutal honesty is what people need to hear sometimes. Especially when you have 30 seconds or less to convey that message! :)

  4. LOVED THE COMMENTS!! I'm on KFWB 980 AM in Los Angeles from noon to three PM. Also...most mornings I am on the morning news show with Phil and Penny at about 6:32 AM. Warmly, drl

  5. what the? you just had dr. l comment on your blog? that makes you soooo legit!

  6. I just finished her book "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" - she knows her stuff. I know it's not always easy to hear, but LOVE her!
