
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I miss you, sweet Utah. Some people love you and some people hate you - and I am definitely in the 'love' category. I miss the sweet smell and feel of the Fall up there. Football season is so fun, the leaves turning is so pretty. We get to start to wear cute coats and boots but not feel incredibly freezing (yet).

Do you want to hear some good news, though? I am coming to see you! Very soon. 

General Conference is in a few weeks, along with a Friday night football game. Both of which sound completely exciting and fun to me. So I am coming! 

Prepare for a weekend of fun and memories. And yes, I will most likely be staying in Number 2 with the old roommate. Who cares if she has a new roommate? Who is a boy. And her husband. You can't keep me awaaaay! 

Oh, and, as I'm only there for a few days, you should probably start thinking of your most fun and handsome friends for me to play with. You've always been pretty good to me in that department, sweet Utah. Do not disappoint this time! I could really use some distractions. 

(Unless the British Boyfriend comes to play. In which case, I won't need your help. I'll keep you updated on that situation, my most beloved second home!)

See you so soon! 

<3 Kristina

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