
Friday, October 9, 2009

I shouldn't be eating this...

Soo I'm dating a boy who goes to college in Idaho. Who's idea was this, you ask? NO IDEA. Bleh.

The other day I was at Costco and I ran across some snack-ish, easy to prepare/tote around food items (individual packets of mac 'n cheese, granola bars, small sleeves of Oreos, etc...) so I thought ' I'll send a care package! Oo I am the sweetest, most thoughtful girlfriend ever.'

Keep in mind, I was at COSTCO...what do we know about Costco? B-U-L-K.

Note to self: Anything purchased at Costco has to be opened and divided before being added to any kind of care package that costs under $100 to ship.

What's the big deal? I have all these yummy snacks that didn't fit in the package just SITTING around me at my desk! I thought maybe I'd just save myself some money on lunch and eat mac and cheese for a little while, right? Just until it's gone? UMM NO. I've been going out to eat (like today w Amber - yumm!) AND THEN eating mac and cheese when I get back in the office just because it TASTES SO GOOD.

At least the granola bars are only 100 calories each.

Too bad I ate like five yesterday.

And the Oreos?? Don't even get me started.


  1. Oh dear.

    Eating is a very good thing, but we all know that you can have too much of a good thing.

  2. Didn't you know that calories don't count when you are at work?

    Ah Costco - How I love thee.

    Have I mentioned that I LOVE YOU TOO!!!! :)

  3. hahahahaha! I know the feeling. If there, will consume!
