
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Alive.

Woo! I'm alive! Here's what's happening in Calee's life (in case you were wondering):

1. I've been eating lots of delicious food. I love cold meatballs, meatloaf, pizza, and spaghetti for breakfast.

2. I've been wondering WHY ON EARTH it costs so much to fly to IDAHO FALLS. $450?? Seriously?? Flip.

3. I've been listening to Shaun's ipod religiously at the gym. He has these sweet Nike ear buds with little arms attached to keep them from flying off your head when you run/do cardio. He's mad. I'm feeling more in love with running than ever, though :) Thanks for leaving your ipod in Kristina's car <3.

4. I've been reading a book called The Story of Edgar Sawtelle. I really like it. Thanks for the book, Brooke :)

5. I've discovered that Diet Pepsi tastes like dirt. Does that stop me from drinking one everyday? Of course not.

6. I've become a complete stalker of wedding/engagement photos - facebook, myspace, blogs, whatever. I don't discriminate. I've even gone so far as to ADD people I've never MET on facebook (sometimes they're not even friends of's just sad) so I can look at their wedding photos because their profile pic is cute. Haha you'd be surprised at how many people will just add without knowing/caring who I am. Thank you for the trust & access, new friends!

7. I've been counting down days to November 25th. GET HERE. Thanks.

Work, school, taking Tucker to the park, doing hair here & there...the usual.

P.S. Does anyone want/need their hair done? Sometimes I miss doing hair everyday. Maybe I should do a giveaway? Maybe a partial? Thoughts?

P.P.S. I am REALLY excited for the following things: Amber's birthday this weekend, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Shaun's birthday, Christmas. The end.


  1. Glad to know you are alive, Calee! :0) If I were in CA, I would let you do my hair. I haven't had anything done to it at all since May!

  2. Ooh, I totally need my hair done! My SIL usually does it but I haven't been to her salon in seriously over SIX MONTHS. I am soooooo bad. Living on the edge! :) Seriously though, you wanna do it?

  3. PS Good to know you're still alive! :)

  4. i need my hair done and you're in the same house...but.... i am fleeing. p.s. i would wake you up to say goodbye but i don't want to risk your sleepy wrath.

  5. Sarah -

    Where are you?? Let's do your hurrr!
