
Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Rhapsody in Blue, to be exact.

Yesterday I went to this lovely location. First time since I moved back.

Oh it was delightful. I went to go get books for a new student, but of course was immediately distracted by all of the beautiful instruments around me.

I used to sit in there and play for at least an hour everytime I went. It was fun to relive that, minus the fact that I suck now.

Anyway, I got my student's books and was getting ready to leave, and of course the wall of classical music had to be conveniently placed on my way out.

And do you know what was peeking out at me?


Rhapsody in Blue has long been my favorite piece of music ever created. It is freaking awesome. I've always had a little joke goal that I would play that with an orchestra behind me before I die. :)

But you know what? I bought it. I got the book and I'm going to become awesome at it no matter how long it takes.

Then I'll worry about the orchestra. And I'll invite all of you to come.


-- Post From Kristina's iPhone


  1. I have the same dream, but with the Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto #3 in D min. I've had the music for about a year, and I've got about 2 minutes of it down. Thats like...5%. I'll get there, though. Practicing would help, but who has the time?

  2. Oh I am so excited. That is my favorite piece of classical too. The bluesy undertones are so awesome. I think that is what Ghirshwin wrote to jam to on his ipod while working out. Hahahaha!

  3. I don't doubt for a second that you can do it!
