
Friday, November 13, 2009

It really stresses me out

when I get letters and emails from MBA programs, talking about my GMAT score and letting me know about application deadlines.

It's like I have to face my decision over and over again and it makes my head hurt a little bit.

PLUS - some of the classes I need at Palomar are ALREADY full. And I can't even register yet! Is that so annoying? That stresses me out, too.

And my mission papers are burning a hole in the envelope.

Am I really going to start a 5 year road toward a doctorate degree? I mean really? Right now? I could start an MBA program next fall and be done in two years. Plus I could live in the land of plenty as far as potential husbands go. Or I could just go on a mission and be done. But I've been really leaning away from that decision lately and I don't know why.

These are things I would really like to discuss with the man they will affect for the next few years.

Wait, I don't have one?

... Stress.

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