
Monday, December 7, 2009


Hi friends. I'm glad you missed me. Calee, I wanted to give your post the maximum amount of face-time before I blogged over it. I almost blogged over it that day as a joke, but figured you wouldn't think it was funny. :)

Life is terribly wonderful right now. I am super happy and busy but my down moments are getting the tiniest bit longer as the days go on and holidays come and go. I think I've figured out my plan and what I'm doing, but I'll hold off a few weeks before sharing it. Some things are in the works and we will see what happens with that. As a side-note, I may be looking for work! If you know of any openings, (I'm even okay with a little secretary job somewhere - prefer it, actually), then let me know. Either in San Diego or Utah.

Here are some recent iPhone photos for your enjoyment:

I seriously took this because her bum looked cute and I wanted to send a picture to Shaun. Ha ha :) This is in the dressing room at the Poway Performing Arts center before my mom's big show. We sang and it was not as terrible as I thought it would be. So that's something.

We took tucker to Balboa Park for my mom's show, and he started FREAKING out for no reason at one point. I turned around, feeling confused, until I saw this guy.
He is oddly similar-looking to somebody.
... haha. :)
Tucker was so excited and on sensory-overload that day at the park. He saw so many people and smelled so many smells and barked at so many other dogs. It was such a fun day for him. After we got home, he plopped on the couch and slept ALL DAY. Seriously! Our little ball of energy. He is so cute.

The beautiful stage with the cute little kids singing! They were awesome and adorable. Every year Balboa park has a huge event during December with all sorts of booths, food, performers, etc. You also get into museums for free on certain nights! It is sweetness. You should really check it out if you're in SD.

Kara's hair, as I was sitting behind her at the multi-stake choir practice last night. I want mine to do this, but Calee says I need lots of layers. Is my hair too thin for this? I want it. What do you think??
(P.s. The choir is LEGIT. Seriously. The show is going to be so incredible this year. For tickets, go to the California Center for the Arts in Escondido. They are $6 each, there will be two shows on 12/22. I hear there are still good seats available for the 8 o'clock show.)

That's all really. (Calee you need to put up pics of Tuck's bday party.) I don't have much going on right now, besides Christmas presents prep and work, and church stuff. Blah did you see that the vegas bowl is on the 22nd? So much for that. :( Same night as the multi-stake Christmas concert. Bah. I wanted to go.

I can't get this to stop doing center-alignment and it's bothering me.

Anyway. Good to catch up. I missed you. I am in serious need of a distraction or two - so if you have any distractingly-good-looking men, please send them my way. For real.




  1. Way to add suspense! No fair! Glad everything is going well for you. Good luck job and man hunting!

  2. Wow, that's quite the post after a long absence.
