
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

we will, we will, stalk you.

Dear Friends:

Please start blogging more frequently. IMMEDIATELY. I'm really starting to question whether we're on the same level of commitment to blogging or not, people. Do you want me to start out-blogging you? How embarrassing.

I hate to make demands, but more pictures of your adorable babies would really spice things up. I'd also like to read more stories about your holiday plans, your ridiculous husbands (or wives), in-laws, out-laws, pets, etc.

I'm getting tired of no new posts. Working over time? Family in town? STOP MAKING EXCUSES.

Sorry if I sound harsh - but tough love is in order. I only say these things to help you become the bloggers I knew you can be.

Soooo I'll be ramping up my stalkerage starting tomorrow. Don't disappoint me.

Love, Calee


  1. Go tough love! I feel the same way :) Not that I'm blogging every day, but other people should dang it!

  2. Love this post! Come stalk mine. . . I just updated a bunch recently!!!
