
Friday, January 29, 2010

Sweet Nike Free

Last semester I got lazy. REAL lazy. I was suuper sick a couple of times, playing with Amber before she banished herself back to the tundra (aka Rexburg), and generally lethargic. That means my workout regimen went right out the window. To remedy all that, I decided to purchase myself a new pair of running shoes! WOO motivation!

As I was looking around for something to replace my old Nike Structure(s) <--love Love LOVE these shoes, I came across the Nike Free. It doesn't look like your typical exercise shoe, and it definitely doesn't FEEL like it either! The shoe feels light, extremely flexible (the sole flexes completely open! and it's fabric - so my fat little foot doesn't feel constricted! wee!), and almost makes you forget you've got them on to begin with.

It turns out that these sweet kicks are excellent for toning leg muscles and are exceptionally comfy to work out in (even on the first day!). I'm really stoked that I bought them! I buy gym shoes about once a year -and I was pleasantly surprised at the price tag! Woo for new shoes and new resolve :)

p.s. Tucker and I went for a run this morning before work. No blisters! The ankle has nooo support, however, so if you're prone to rolling them maybe opt for a shoe with more support...still way comfy. love love. mm.

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