
Thursday, January 7, 2010


I don't have a computer up here, but since I have the best phone ever created, it doesn't really matter. :)

So after Sacramento, I flew out to Utah with Pickle. And when I say "with" I mean, we got to the airport at the same time, her direct flight landed at 3, she went and played with Sam while I was flying to Phoenix and nearly missed my connecting, and then they picked me up at 7:30. Yeah. Thanks Southwest.

We played. Had New Years. Kissed at midnight? (wouldn't you like to know!) and slept way too late. My mother had the brilliant idea of me just staying in Provo until Brooke drives down for the wedding next weekend... And so here I am!

I love all of my old roomies and their (future) spouses. It's been so comfortable and normal to be with them. I feel very much like myself right now. Isn't that nice?

I think so too.

My theme song for this trip is "Brand New Day" by Joshua Radin. You should look it up, and feel my content feelings right now.

Thanks to big time for the introduction.

I'm going to go clean now. Little miss Ashley is in Santa Barbara and could use a little less stress in her life right now. I think a fresh clean apartment will help, don't you? Glad you agree.

- Kristina

-- Post From Kristina's iPhone


  1. I love Joshua Radin! He's brilliant.

  2. You are the greatest!!!!!!!! I loved coming home to a clean apartment :)
