
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Long time.

Okay it's been a LONG time. I'm sorry. :( We got a family blog and so most of our posts are going there - we haven't really been good at doubling our posts up, though. Hopefully that will get better! 

Life is good for me right now. I'm starting my MBA program August 17 and will be moving up a week or so before then. Still don't have housing or a laptop... working on both. But I did get a SWEET guitar from my sweet man for my birthday - and that's kind of taken over my life lately. I love it so much. 

TDH and I are going strong and I am pretty much totally twitterpated. He gets more and more awesome everyday and it gets a little bit harder to think about leaving him in the fall. :( Boo. We play and watch Arrested Development and sing sweet songs and talk about our made up futures and listen to the ocean waves outside of his window. Yesterday we went to the fair and he tried to win me prizes while I ate a corn dog and we laughed and watched pig races and held hands.

We are kind of living those little sappy 1-minute sequences in movies where the lovey couple is on swings and making faces and laughing and talking on the phone and shoving ice cream in each others faces. 

It's pretty awesome.

That's all really. Except for the above post. Make sure to look at that. 



  1. Hi Kristina. Good to see a new post. What is your family blog? Did you get the birthday card we sent you? Love ya lots.
