
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ludo. Down.

It just hit me that I haven't even announced my newest best friend to the world yet. And he has been my best friend for almost two months now. Terrible.

I think I was waiting until he stopped pooping on the floor so I could really say he is the world's most perfect freak-alien-dog. But seeing as that hasn't happened yet, he will instead be the world's most perfect freak-alien-dog who poops on the carpet like a very naughty freak-alien. And yaps, nay, squawks, every time I leave the room. And never can figure out how to put his tongue all the way in his mouth. And has defied the laws of nature by somehow finding a way to have a stinkier beard than Tucker.

Although they had a rocky start and still get their feelings hurt sometimes, they are almost best friends. But since neither of them have their manhood and dogs are technically man's best friend... Poor dogs. Only half-men. Ludo still has his stitches in from that awful day. And probably nightmares. And he has to wear this:

It's all very disheartening for the poor pup.

But he is still my favorite and licks my face and growls like a cat purring and only falls off the bed sometimes.

Oohhhhh little lulu!! I love you, you little freak.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. How i miss him and his inability to put his tongue all the way in his mouth.,

  2. Holy cuteness! Ohhh, I want a little dog! :)

  3. ummm i love your dog...i want one.
    ps i miss you

  4. haven't posted in a while! hope everything is going well!
