
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Things I hate

Hospital cleaner smell
The weird techno-music brooke listens to
Plastic hospital pillows
Nurses who roll their eyes
The elevator that's long enough for a gurney
The cafeteria guy who knows my name
Going through the ER entrance and seeing all of the sad people
Everyone in the hospital who doesn't have a visitor
That nurse who wouldn't let us take up the flowers
IV wires
Walking past the ICU to get to her room
All of the happy people going up to the maternity ward. I'm terrible.
The CNA's who wake her up in the middle of the night to take her vitals
The green button on the PCA
Dog poop on the carpet
My dad's bird
Car insurance
Bill collectors
Books that have to ruin things by saying the F word
Immodest clothes
Kyle's Listerine toothpaste
Tucker's sad face when I leave
Mean nurses
Nerve pain
That guy who killed Chelsea and Amber
That guy who shot the Bishop in Visalia
Cars with no air conditioning
When my favorite pants get a hole
Blood clots
Broken plans
Not having my own place
Ludo's non-neutered-status
Paying for Gas

I'm actually having to think in between each of these. I thought I would be able to just spout off a million things and get it off of my chest and feel better.

Really, all I needed was the first one. That's it.

And the guy who killed Chelsea and Amber. I hate him.

...keep reading below for a not-so-negative-and-crabby post. Well actually I guess it is kind of negative. Keep browsing to your next blog for a not-so-negative-and-crabby post.



  1. Kristina, your two posts almost made me cry. I have been there and done that but you guys have had to do it too many times! I love you all and my prayers are with your family. You are going to hear alot of "hang in there" and "she'll pull through." My only piece of advice is to never loose sight of the Lord and your eternal perspective. These trials for you and your family will be but a moment in the grand scheme of things BUT it SUCKS when you are going through them. It's ok to feel that way sometimes. Writing posts about things you hate helps:) Kyle sounds like the kind of guy you need right now. He is quite a gem. Allow him to take care of you while you are helping to take care of everyone else. PS- shave Tucker's beard:)

  2. Wow! Your post is so cool and I can see that you have quite a lot of things that you hate. Like you, I hate almost all of the crazy things here in this world. Before I used to hate car insurance also but when my mom introduced me to this auto insurance in Palm Springs and she got me an auto insurance (Palm Springs), I'm starting to love it because of their services and friendly associates.
