
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Testing 1, 2...

Hi friends.

Remember that one time that I stopped blogging completely? (I know my Grandma did. Hi, Grandma!)

Well...lots of things have happened since then. For starters, I quit my job and moved to Utah. Insane, right?? Forrealz.

I know what you're thinking...You're thinking," hate Utah. You think Utah smells worse than Tucker's beard after he & Lou have been locked in the kitchen all day together and there's mysteriously no Lou poo on the ground when everyone gets home." And you know what? You're right.

BUT do you know what's IN Utah? (Enter jokes about fake tanned/enhanced women, lots of weird pest control salesman type dudes, and waaay too many crazy, caffeine-drinking jackmormons [i drink dr. pepper sometimes. don't hate]). Dreams are in Utah. Dreams that look and sound like me finally writing & recording a Christian album. Dreams that feel like my first summer since I was 18 that I'm not going to a 9-5 job. Dreams that smell like Dexter trying to smother me in my sleep. (Dexter is Nikki's overly affectionate cat). Dreams, I tell you. Dreams.

So I packed up my little Civic as full as it could get (technically Dad did the packing) and drove to Lehi, UT yesterday.

Today I met with the producer I'm working with to get this record done.

Tomorrow we start laying tracks.

So...if you're interested, I'm going to be blogging/tweeting/fb updating with all the joy, love, and pain that comes along with this awesomely exhausting process.

P.S. Feels good to be back.
P.P.S. Send me creative-try-to-not-screw-this-up-vibes.

love loves.


  1. how exciting for you! i live in saratoga - RIGHT BY LEHI. if you ever need a friend i'm in the area and would love a friend too :) good luck with your record - you're amazing!

  2. That is so exciting Calee! You are so talented, can't wait to see what you do next! :)

  3. Dear, sweet Calee. How exciting that you have the courage to follow your dreams. I KNOW your album will be a huge success. Can't wait to hear it. Remember the way to Rexburg. It's lots closer to Lehi than Escondido. SO good to see you on your blog again!!! Love ya bunches.

  4. I am so excited for you!!!!! I know that your album will be a-maz-ing and I can't wait to buy it! Calee=Awesome :)

  5. This is just the news I was hoping to hear! A CD <3 I want one <3 I LOVED the song you did for your mom's funeral service <3 your grandma let me borrow it and I made all of us a copy! (Hope that's OK ) I love you all and miss you...come to see me next time you are visiting your grandparents. And PLEASE let me know when I can get your CD! Makes me happy you are doing this! Love you Calee! Aunt Debbie from Idaho :)

  6. Sooo cool! ...can't wait to buy it! :)

  7. Follow those dreams! I'm in Utah too, so if you need anything don't be afraid to drop my family a line!
