
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

In real life

 …these pictures were taken at 6AM in 35 degree weather. I couldn't feel my fingers or toes, and at one point the photographer wiped snot as it ran down my numb face because I couldn't feel it to wipe it myself. So glamorous.

You'd never know just looking at these shots, though, would you?? There's something magical about beautiful lighting and professional make up and photography. I feel lucky to have been a part of this shoot. Can't wait to show you more when 'What Heaven Feels Like' releases this summer!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can't wait to hear your new release! I love your dress! Thanks to you I'm now addicted to Piper Street Shop. I've been justifying my purchases because I need them "for seminary". I'm pretty sure I need to be in the calling for about 10 more years to balance it out.
