
Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm going to dye hair, that is. I think.

Typically my haircolor changes when I go through a random, spontaneous change in my life (this may or may not coincide with a status change in a relationship). Anyways. I went lighter a couple months ago...and it was good to me for a while...buuuuuut....

I found myself studying last night and having the craziest urge to go mix color. Right then. It's hard being a hairstylist and having all my dyes right under the sink...sooo tempting. I don't want to go suuuper dark or anything, but a medium brown w a little carmel/auburn in there might do just the trick.

I'm just nervous that my newly blonde locks are going to get irritated :( Damaged hair isn't the most fun.

Anyways. If that urge doesn't go away, then I'll probably do it tonight. I'm looking forward to the lovely lush brown locks that will look shinier and healthier than this medium blonde I'm currently sporting.

Thoughts? Support? Please?

1 comment:

  1. do it. do it. do it.

    And PS that horse conditioner you sent me is actually horse shampoo.

    My horse is pissed...
