
Friday, August 14, 2009

We are Two.

I've had quite a few people make comments to me about certain blog entries, or comment about something in my life that isn't really happening. And I've just laughed and explained that there are two of us that write on this blog - and whatever story they are referring to actually happened to my sweet sister, Calee.

But I thought I would re-explain on here, for all of you who haven't caught on to that yet.

Life's Short, Eat Dessert is the blog of two sisters - Calee and Kristina. We used to live in different states and this was our way of both having a blog but not having to write every single day, and also a way to keep in touch and keep each other updated. And we figured neither of us is getting married anytime soon, so waiting for the newly-married-cutesy-LDS-blog thing wasn't an option. :)

Anyway, it says on the bottom of each post who wrote which entry, but I think maybe we should start signing off on the bottom or something? I just don't think it's super clear which of us is writing which entry. And while Calee's life is delightful - it is not my own, and so I can't answer your questions about it. Ha ha. Sorry. Shout out to Daron Young for being one of the ones that first brought this to my attention.

Update on me: I am officially in San Diego now, starting school a week from Monday, and starting piano lessons. If you are interested in getting signed up, I am creating my schedule of students right now so email me at and we will get your name on the list!

(Ha ha. Does that work? I don't know! I'm just trying to be helpful here.)

1 comment:

  1. i think it would be helpful to have it say at the top of the post who is writing it. I read the posts and hear your voices in my head (yup, it's as creepy as it sounds) and I usually scroll to the bottom first to see who wrote it before I start to read.

    my thoooooooooooooouuughts.
