
Saturday, September 5, 2009

I should start betting on this stuff.

I knew it. I just knew it! I went to bed really nervous last night, but I woke up this morning and said to myself... "Holy cow, we are going to win. BYU is going to freaking win." I just had a feeling. I knew it. I didn't want to jinx it or anything so I tried not to get too confident, but I just knew that we were going to pull it off. 


Love those boys. 

This one especially. 

*Stole this picture from Ben Truman's FB.  
Gosh I miss him. Bleh.

Boo. :( No more sad thoughts tonight. I'm done.

Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra, Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Cougars! Wooo!!! 


P.S. I downloaded a template since I don't know how to do blog design stuff, but now I don't know how to make my header centered or get it to say "Posted By" up at the top by the post title. Changing it on the blogger settings doesn't work. Help? 

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