
Monday, September 7, 2009

Mission Impossible?


I decided to go to Rexburg and was fairly excited/nervous to go up there, until I found out that I don't qualify for financial aid since I already have a BA. So much for financial need and good grades, right? I can't afford to move up to Rexburg and go to school up there without any help, especially after the (not so) awesome-paying job I've had this last year. Love my parents to death, but they can't afford it either.

Community college is about my only option for those pre-req classes. 

I am doing a pretty good job of picking the wrong doors to go through, aren't I? Every one that I've tried lately has been locked. Sometimes I feel discouraged, but mainly I just feel unsure of my next move, and interested to see why nothing is working out. There has to be something right in front of me that I'm just not seeing. Maybe I just stay here and work this term and then start my pre-reqs in January. Maybe I help my mom get through a hard semester of work while she's still not feeling great. Maybe I just take online classes and prep for the OAT. 

Maybe I go on a mission, like so many people have been suggesting. 

Are there any returned missionaries out there? What made you decide to go on a mission? How did you know it was the right door to go through? 
I'd love to hear your story. 

Not that I have decided to go on a mission at this point. I don't trust myself nor my decision-making abilities right now, so it's hard for me to turn any direction. I will say, however, that I've been looking into it. Nothing more than curiosity at this point. 
Just wondering. 
Happy Labor Day! Miss the sisters. 


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