
Thursday, November 5, 2009

L O V E - it's a mystery

I'm sitting in my car doing the usual lunchtime ritual of fully enjoying sunshine, food, and dr. Laura.

She talks so much about Love. And it fits in with a lot of my journal entries and thoughts lately.

I love being in love. But not only that, I love other kinds of love too. My mom admitted last night that she secretly misses me following her around the house all the time. :) That is a nice way to say you love someone.

I love that Calee had my back the other night when I needed a friend. That is a good love too.

I love Tucker's super excited run and happy nub wiggling when I get home. He's just a puppy but I can feel his love.

Even love for random strangers. A patient came in today and chatted and laughed and goofed with me the whole time we were getting ready for the doctor. Does he know me? No. But he is a loving person. And I could tell. And it made a difference in my day.

Part of my short term plan of happiness right now is working on being more loving to everyone, including myself. Doesn't that sound like a good plan? I might have stolen the concept from somebody else's plan of happiness.

And it's working well for me so far.


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