
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog War

Sooo I got cut off on my last blog by some important phone calls about emergencies or some blah blah like that - totally irritating when I'm TRYING to BLOG, people. Save your emergencies for Saturday when Ashlynd works! (haha jk...I LOVE Ashlynd. She's my new favorite :)).

Anyways. When I reopened our blog page to re-read what I had posted, I was shocked to see that Kristina ONE UPPED me by posting RIGHT after me! Ugh! Now everybody has to SCROLL DOWN to see what I wrote! No fair. Hence me writing a completely new blog instead of just editing my old one. Haha I swear I'm an adult. Sometimes.

7. Shaun: thanks for thinking I'm funny and smart, for killing me at Scrabble but always saying nice things when I make a good play anyways. Thanks for sharing my love of ketchup and for not being too mad when I purposely sent you MY ipod instead of yours back (your music is so much better than mine! sorry...buuut not really. haha!). Thanks for encouraging me to hang out with Amber and have fun while you're gone, even when you choose to opt out of social events to get studying done/plan your next Scrabble move so we can talk on the phone when I get back. thanks for always making me laugh, for always seeing the bright side and helping me see it, too, and for practicing piano. I think you're awesome. And I'm glad that now everyone else knows I think so, too. 2.

p.s. I love you, Kristina! :) I dare you to blog again today haha <3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hopefully, the Blog Arms Race will come to an end, and there will be peace once more between the Calee Republic and Kristinastan

  3. aww your man sounds like a keeper. yours and your sister's blog is so cute. i've never seen it double up with two people before!

  4. Hahah!!!! Kristinastan?! Oooh my gosh I am laughing.

    and thanks, michelle :) one day one (hopefully BOTH actually haha) of us will get married and start a separate blog. until then...

  5. You are most welcome, Calee.


  6. Only Calee. The fact that I'm commenting on your blog too is pretty much just collateral damage.

  7. Wait...Lance who? Now I'm curious!

    -Tzar of CR

  8. yeah... thanks for thread!

  9. I congratulate, it is simply excellent idea
