
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Re: Blog Wars

Calee, you always blog right after I do! I leave the blog empty for days, giving you the opportunity, and then a few hours after I post - there it is. 

That was a total accident but I'm glad you know how it feels now! 

I didn't think it would happen in a public place like this, 
...but maybe we should consider going our separate ways.


P.S. Utah was awesome. Three straight days with the ladies of Number 3. (With Kristen in our hearts, of course!) It was delightful. Snuggle sessions were just as good, Sunday Dinner was just as good, boy talks were just as good - actually they were much better. The marriage debacle wasn't that bad after all. So good to know.

Thanks Utah, for continuing to deliver on much-needed play time. Although getting on a plane and coming back here felt a little surreal - I don't live there anymore? Weird.


  1. YAY! :) love the blog! too cute! i totally missed you on saturday. im bummed i had to work. so lame! but hopefully next time, i'll get in on it!!

  2. Blog Wars 2 - Just when you thought it was safe to go onto the internet! Now in stereo!
