
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

DMV Blues

The DMV makes me so bummed. I got an appointment last week for this Tuesday (today) and figured I could be in and out on my lunch break. Makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, I HAD AN APPOINTMENT. I even got there early, stood in line, made it in just before my appointment time....and then was given a number.


People. I have ONE hour. Which is why I made the appointment. WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING AN APPOINTMENT IF I HAVE TO WAIT JUST THE SAME AS ALL THE PEOPLE WITH NO APPOINTMENT?! Good grief. Don't worry though, because the average wait time was only 3 hours. On a Tuesday afternoon. Shoot me, please.

I didn't stay. I had notices that need/ed to be delivered. And so now I will make another appointment (probably for next year sometime, if I'm lucky) and hope that I don't get pulled over and thrown in jail for driving an unregistered vehicle.

That's all. Just venting.

p.s. Kristina has scarlet fever. Not kidding. Come bring her ice cream & a back scratcher and she'll be your best friend forever. Just remember to wear your quarantine gear.

love, Calee


  1. UGH. I have to do the same thing this week... no wait! Next week. Stupid furloughs... >:(

  2. Blast, I KNEW I shoulda held on to that hazmat suit.
