
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sign you have an iPhone:

You cry when you find out that you ruined it. 

... yesterday was a bad day. 

Meet my new phone: 

Seriously. I might cry again.  



  1. wow seriously? I begged mom and dad for that phone when my freaking razr broke and I had that phone for a YEAR. I had to buy myself another one! LAME

  2. leave a path of destroyed phones in your wake. I don't blame them for not giving it to you :) I LOVE YOU, THOUGH.

    I think you should write a book about all the phones you've killed and the scenarios surrounding the demise of each.

  3. OH NO!!! WHYYYYY?????? What happened? I might cry for you! I feel a surprisingly strong urge to go hug my iPhone and tell it how much I love it.

  4. I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing

  5. i wouldn't survive without my iphone. i think you need to start saving or looking on craigslist for a new one.. right away. but rumor has it that the iphone is coming to verizon in june or so.. that might be a great time to get a new one with great service.. :)

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