
Friday, March 12, 2010

Peas in a pod. Sort of. And a phone.

Tucker loves Shaun. Shaun loves Tucker. This is Shaun stuffing Tucker up his shirt to experience what being pregnant might feel like. Tucker was so comfy, he didn't want to come out! Not even poke his little puppy head out. He just sat there like a little lump, content to be snuggled in a rather suffocating way.

Tucker was rather disgruntled over being forced to stick his head out of his warm cuddle spot for a picture.
Friends, you've all been very good sports over my poopy-quality BlackBerry photos. I have wonderful news for you all!!

will be taking my camera phone pictures from now on

...well, starting next week...


I'll fill you all in as soon as I get my hands on my new Nexus One!! WOOO!!

loves - Calee

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