
Monday, March 8, 2010


That I am a grandma.
In addition to this lovely non-matching masterpiece, I'm also making a baby blanket for a friend's baby shower this weekend. Just in case it turns out hideous and I have to purchase something to replace it with I won't say who that friend is. Of course, I don't have that many friends so it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out if you really wanted to...and if that sounds like something fun you'd like to spend time doing, I'd suggest you find a hobby. Like, crocheting large, mismatched, scratchy blankets.
I'm j/k. It's not that scratchy. It just has those little fibers that itch your nose if you cuddle with it too close to your face. I call the blanket pictured above my LOST blanket. That's roughly seasons 1 & 2's worth of crocheting. If you look closely, you can see where it gets tighter in some spots (these are moments like Jack almost cutting off what's-his-name's leg, or the creepy 'Make your own kind of music' montage right before Kate gets eaten by the hatch...ick).
Anyways. Just thought I'd share.
p.s. the "Splash into Me" parody of Dave Matthew's "Crash into Me" (about a bidet) does NOT belong on my ipod's 'Muy Espiritual' mix...


  1. Oh my gosh... that is so weird... I'm totally having a baby shower this weekend! :) And good freaking job on the blanket! I can never get my blankets to look that good - my stitches are all sorts of mismatched and weird...

  2. Love your blog... the little that I read. Listen I have looked everywhere for a copy of the song Splash into me. I was in chile and heard the song just about every morning for two years. and I'm dieing to hear it again. Is there anyway you would be willing to send a copy to me if you still have it of course. Please let me know. You can email me! Thanks!
