
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mr. Postman

My dad came in the house today with a huge pile of mail. Apparently my mom has always been the mail-getter, and since she's been sick that hasn't happened a whole lot lately.

Either way, I never get mail down here. Mainly because I didn't change my address and I'm sure there are a lot of annoyed girls living in my old apartment where all of my (and all of my ex-roommates') stuff shows up. Ha ha. It is a long tradition of no one who ever lived there changing their address when they move. We used to get stuff from people who had lived there as long as ten years before us.

It's part of the secret code. The girls living there now have my permission to not change their address when they move out in April. You're welcome, girls.

Because of this, I was very surprised when my dad threw two huge envelopes on my lap. I'm actually not sure if they qualify as envelopes or packages. Packvelopes of goodness.

The first was very exciting, and something I've been meaning to tell you guys but just haven't gotten around to. I think the Scarlet Fever had something to do with that.

Excuse the poor quality photo. My excitement made me shake a little bit and so it's fuzzy:

And my new keychain which I am really excited about for some reason:

Woot woot!! That is fun news.

The second Packvelope? Ha ha. You guessed it, loyal blog-readers. The day we have all been waiting for is finally here. It's a few copies of the March 2010 New Era, of which I am a proud contributor. And when I say proud I mean, I was too embarrassed to send a picture in to go along with the silly, ridiculous article I wrote when I was 12. (See history of this by clicking here.)

I didn't even sign the paperwork and send it back in because I was so embarrassed. Turns out they published it anyway. It's just that good, guys.


Just in case you missed the name though, I got a close up.

Ohhh what a silly day. I wonder what the mailman will bring tomorrow?



  1. Congrats Kristina! That means you'll be back in Provo!!! When will you be here? I gotta get me a copy of that New Era!!

  2. Congratulations! Provo will be so happy to have you back.

  3. Congratulations on being admitted to BYU again! And becoming a published writer, haha.

  4. YES and YES.

    love the article. can't wait to show it off when it comes in the mail. it may just make it onto the adams family bulletin board...

    and i'm glad the tanner will have another friend from #3 after i leave. so so happy for you :)

  5. You need to frame the article... really. BYU again huh? Why not?! Have fun girl.

  6. You don't know me but my son, Kyle aka Hottie McHottie said I should check out your blog. (Hope that is OK?) I am cracking are hilarious. And witty. And I am impressed with your high achieving!

