Here's a quick update for everyone!
My CD is officially DONE! I'm back home in California for a couple weeks to celebrate! You've all been so patient and supportive - I really can't express how much every word of encouragement has meant to me. I love you all so much :)
Now what?? WELL - the album will be available on iTunes in the next few weeks. I'll make sure to update you all on the exact date as soon as I know. The physical CD will be available for purchase by mid September via my website OR (fingers crossed!) Deseret Book!
For anyone who hasn't already, check out my music Facebook page and "like" it! I'm starting up my Twitter (...am I the only person NOT on Twitter at this point..?) and will be blogging about all my fascinating music adventures <--I can't promise to deliver on the 'fascinating' part. Haha. I'll try though :)
P.S. ...I may or may not be making an appearance on BYUTV this fall! Starting the last Tuesday in September thru November. "Starbiz". Check it out!!