My mother loves bargains - even when she doesn't need whatever is on sale. (My father would say ESPECIALLY when she doesn't need whatever is on sale - but whatever). Her last splurge? Coldwater Creek necklaces. Oooh yes, folks - this woman bought like fifty of them. Why does she need fifty Coldwater Creek necklaces? (for starters, to share with ME! - thanks mom :)) Other than that? Who knows.
I'll let the pictures do most of the explaining from here on out.
This is Mom riding her newest 'Great Deal' purchase - a California Cruiser (which allegedly costs $250 new, and she scored for $60!).
Apparently it was a great enough deal that she felt she needed to stop by Costco to show my dad & I (we met for lunch today) instead of just showing us later...AND she was excited enough to actually get it out & ride it. Right there. In the parking lot of Costco.

This is Mom deciding that she's SO excited that she's going to ride it through the tables of people sitting there having lunch. While munching a hot dog.

This is the part where my Dad was so embarassed that he told me goodbye & tried to nonchalantly leave while Mom was making her rounds through the tables. She saw him, though, and chased him through the parking lot yelling, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING, HONEY?? DON'T YOU WANT TO RIDE IT FOR A MINUTE?!"

Aaaaand this was the moment where I thought I might actually pee my pants. She apparently tried to 'zig' where the Cruiser wanted to 'zag' and she ended up totally eating crap. Haha! I laughed. So did she. I'm pretty sure my Dad wanted to die, though. :)

This is Dad helping her back onto the Cruiser, which she rode back across the parking lot to her car.