When my parents moved into their new house a few years ago, there was a noticeable absence of...citrus trees! We grew up in a house that had an orange tree and a lemon tree in the backyard - and Mom has been requesting that someone plant her some citrus trees as a present for a while now.
I decided for this Mother's Day to do just that!
I decided for this Mother's Day to do just that!
*I recommend El Plantio Nursery to anyone in Escondido -
they were so friendly and helpful!*
After some careful consideration (and extensive conversation with the sales guy there as well as several phone calls to Dad [who knows a surprising amount about trees! Thanks, Dad!]) (<-- actually, my Dad knows a surprising amount about pretty much everything, but that's a post for some other time...)
I ended up with a Navel orange tree (from me), a Eureka lemon tree (from Kristina), and a blood orange tree (from Dad). I also bought "gopher cages" (to keep those little rascals from munching on our new friends) and some guano soil/fertilizer goodness. Then, set with my trees and planting materials, I happily began digging a hole in the backyard.
That happiness soon turned to dismay, however...as I realize that the dirt in the backyard is like 90% granite...yeah...umm...
So I did what any girl in my position would do. I appealed to Dad (who, unfortunately, had - and still has - a gnarly cold. My bad, Dad. <-- Haha that rhymes!). Armed with lots of determination, some help from a crowbar and shovels, LOTS of water, and some James Taylor - we FINALLY got the trees planted! :)
And, in case you needed some help visualizing how spectacular the finished product is/was, here are some picccctureeessssss....
IBC = delicious.
Man, we are such dedicated daughters! I'm so glad we could work so hard to put that together for her. We're so dedicated and awesome.
... haha. :)
yeahh...I decided that you owe me WAY more money. the end.
oh yay! so fun!
I would have just left the trees in the pot.
"Here you go Mom!"
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