Here are some recent pictures off my Blackberry of my little chocolaty muffin lovie puff! Mmm mm I love his little face!

This is what Tucker looks like when he's done snuggling and is concerned about a noise in the hallway so he barks like a lunatic and wakes everyone in a four mile radius up.

Things I love about Tucker:
-He gets so excited when anyone comes home! Jumping and whining and doing his silly little wiggle :)
-He's so sneaky!! He'll wait until he thinks you're not watching, and then veeeery carefully pick up the thing you don't want him to have and starts backing away...slowly...while watching you. Haha little stinker.
-He growls if you move him while he's sleeping. Oh my heavens I'm laughing while writing this just thinking about it. Schnauzers sleep anywhere from 14-18 hours a day, and if you mess with his sleep cycle he'll let you know! Kristina gets growls more than anyone, but I'm pretty sure that's because she'll WAIT for him to be asleep and then go move him just so he'll growl! I'm sure it sounds ridiculous, but it really is cute.
Things I'm not so stoked on lately:
-Tucker has recently discovered that bunny poop is delicious. We have like 4.7 trillion bunnies that live in the field adjacent to the house, so there's a plethora of fresh fecal matter every morning for his consumption and delight. Gross, right? The worst part is, it makes his beard smell AWFUL. Like, really, really bad. And when I want to kiss his cute little face, it makes me gag a little. Ew.
-Along with bunny poop, Tucker finds yarn very tasty. What does this mean? It means that while I'm working on any given project, I'll feel a tugging on my hook - look up - and find that my small black dog is completely tangled in yarn...rolling around...growling...eating it...and once I untangle him from it, I get to crochet with slobbery yarn. Not fun.
All in all, still my favorite. Love him.