
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Alone, but Not Lonely

As normal and healed as I would like to pretend I am - I still have hard days. Sometimes I have really hard nights. It's easy to feel angry, but the hardest times are when I just feel pure and deep sadness. Grief, even. Dramatic, I know. But it's really how I feel - and the sting of it isn't any less real when I try to play it down.

Those moments come and go less frequently now and I really look forward to the day when they stop altogether. Or when I have someone there to comfort me through it.

But for now, I really am on my own.

I'm sure everyone has felt that way at one time or another. Thus our awesome church leaders have compiled talks and articles about loneliness and how to fight it.

Here are a few of my recent favorites. Enjoy.

Alone, but not lonely

We are not alone

1 comment :

Truly Earnest said...

OK I am old and weird....but you girls always make me smile. Thank you for being you!

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