And Calee is home.
And I don't work till 11 tomorrow!
It is a good day.

While I was picking out jewelry - Kristina snuck over from work on her lunch break and left some pretty flowers and balloons on my truck! She wrote on the windows, too, but the picture doesn't show it well. It was really sweet of her :) Haha the GIGANTIC Belle balloon made me laugh. Nice random touch.
I figured since I was able to muscle down mac and cheese at lunch, I could also handle some delicious bundt cake from Everything Bundt Cake! (that's a lot of nuts!! haha) Anyways. Mom got mini cakes so we could have lots of flavors - pumpkin spice, lemon (deLIcious), chocolate chocolate chip, pecan & praline, and white chocolate raspberry (also delicious). She bought more vanilla ice cream, too, because I totally forgot Kristina had JUST picked up some for me the other night haha. Sooo now we have two tubs of low fat vanilla - anybody want some?? It's all yours.
She also made me some lasagna for dinner :) So nice.
Sooo all in all not a bad day.
p.s. my mean boss sent me home early today (not in a nice way. gotta love management.), sooo I went to the DMV and renewed my license and replaced my license plate stickers because some crapmuncher STOLE them. If I were cool I'd link the word 'stole' to my previous blog, buuuut I don't know how to do that. Yay for the DMV.
That place is naaaaasty. For realz.
Love love love to all of you.
And a happy birthday to me.
Love him.
Haha I really do, though. We've been snuggling a lot since I've spent so much time in the last few days laying down. It really makes a person feel better when a little cute creature is all cuddled up snoring on them. SO CUTE. I'm going to go snuggle with him right now.